Community Survey Results
Hi folks, this post sets out the results of our recent community survey in which we asked for opinions on what facilities we would ideally have in or near the Kinnaird Village and Inches area. Note that this survey was completed shortly before the COVID 19 pandemic and lockdown. Our working assumption is that this will have increased the demand for local, in-community amenities and services.
Our sample for the initial survey came from our community Facebook Group; we have 233 respondents at this point in time. Whilst not having 100% penetration of the community this allowed us to quickly get an initial set of results that we can build on. As one would expect from the sample, our chart from question 1 is simply confirming that the rest of the input is coming from people already living within the Kinnaird and Inches community.
Question 1 – Are You a Resident of Kinnaird or The Inches?
Question 2 – How Long Have You Lived in Kinnaird or The Inches?
On average, our responders have lived in the area for almost 8 years. On that basis we assume that our survey results have the benefit of a fairly long period over which to understand existing facilities and come to a view on what is needed.
Question 3 – Size of Households of Respondents
Our respondents average out at 3 people per household. If we assume 3,500 properties in the community at that average then that extrapolates to 10,500 people. One key task going forward for the community is to validate these and related numbers; not least because they are changing quickly. That will require input from Falkirk Council and other organisations.
Question 4 – Ages of People Within Households of Respondents
We believe this question to be key to understanding our area. It is very clear from these results that there is a heavy skew in the area and its needs towards those of school age children, whether that be the local primary school, others nearby or a local senior school.
Question 5 – Satisfaction with Existing Facilities and Amenities
Equally clear, our community is not satisfied with the currently facilities and amenities in the area.
Question 6 – Additional Facilities That Are Desirable
There is significant demand for quite a range of facilities and amenities, some of which could be delivered relatively easily, others requiring land/ building, fundraising and planning processes. Other ideas suggested in the free text included a Doctors surgery, more independent small retailers and electric vehicle charging points.
Question 7 – Willingness to Get Involved in Support/ Moving Forward
Impressively, some 185 respondents have said they would be willing to offer support for developing existing or adjacent land through Community Right to Buy or similar; they would help by fundraising or volunteering. We assume that with this level of volunteer support we can move forward with a range of community based efforts.